Cognitive Testing

Cognitive Testing

Cognitive Testing

Objectively Measure Your Cognitive Function

Mental health and mood disorders are intrinsically linked to core aspects of cognitive function key to quality of life—understand how these disorders affect your cognition by completing a cognitive assessment.

Take Action

  • Gain a comprehensive understanding of your brain health, which will be used by healthcare professionals to individualize treatment or wellness plans according to your needs.

  • Re-assess your cognition throughout treatment to objectively measure improvements, giving you confidence that interventions are having the desired effects.

  • Continue monitoring post-treatment to ensure you're maintaining a level of cognitive function that enables you to live your best life

How Does It  Work?

Using a tablet* desktop or laptop computer, you'll take a series of quick* fun, and engaging tasks that have been validated to measure your memory, concentration, reasoning, and verbal abilities—all core areas of cognition that may be affected by a mental health condition.

Can you spot the *'Odd One Out"? This task measures your deductive reasoning ability Common, everyday situations that require deductive reasoning include:

•    Following a set of rules during tax time and determining whether you qualify for a rebate

•    Coming to conclusions about what's safe for you to eat given a set of dietary restrictions

•    Choosing the best hotel to stay at according to the criteria that matter to you most

How Will Results be Used?

Results for each task you complete will indicate where you stand relative to others in your age group. Over time, and as you progress through treatment, you'll begin to see performance trends so that you can objectively evaluate how treatment is affecting you. Your healthcare professional will use this information during intake to ensure they target the right areas during treatment, and then re-assess periodically to measure progress.

  What Do These Tasks Measure? 


Creyos (formerly Cambridge Brain Sciences) is a brain health assessment tool that accurately quantifies brain function and brain health. Our cognitive assessments and health questionnaires—all delivered and scored online—are used by healthcare practitioners around the world to aid in diagnosis, treatment, and proactive health monitoring of their patients.

Over the last decade, there have been many significant advancements within the healthcare industry. Yet, even with the onslaught of innovative healthcare technologies, general knowledge about how the brain functions is still very limited. Today, cognitive degenerative conditions—like Alzheimer's and other sources of dementia—continue to affect millions of people globally, with no real cure in sight.

At the same time, awareness around brain health is growing. People are concerned about their brain health deteriorating, but they’re also looking to stay sharp in order to maintain good relationships, careers, and other aspects of their lives.

Since 2009, hundreds of thousands of people have used Creyos to gain a deeper understanding of their brain health. As the leading online platform for cognitive assessment with one of the largest secure cognitive databases, we are in the unique position to push the boundaries of our understanding of the brain. 

Speak to us about how you can start measuring your cognitive function today!

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